Highlighted Main Ancestral Lines

Highlighted Main Ancestral Lines
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Thursday, February 4, 2016

Rootstech Innovator Summit and Day 1 Summary

    I first must apologize because I am a brand new smartphone user and unable to get Google+ to sync during the past two days from my mobile android platform.  Additionally this is my main venue where familysearch can track my posting as an Ambassador using the #rootstech required official hashtag.  Thus I have been providing real time updates in the Genedocs Templates group so now is a great time to join us on facebook and enjoy the dozens of FREE templates that 5,350 other genealogy minded folks have been loving.   www.facebook.com/groups/genedocstemplates .

The Innovator Summit was exciting and lower key than the usual mass dash at rootstech, but well worth learning what vendors in the industry are working on.  Most of us agreed all semi finalists should go to the finals rounds but 12 had to reduce to 6.  Friday folks will get a chance to vote for winners at www.rootstech.org/discover  so you can have a say directly texting your vote on who should get a shot at some of the over $100,000 in prize opportunities!

Day 1:  Today was awesome after meeting so many familiar faces and names from social media in the blogging, genedocs following, and other genealogy realms I enjoy - it made it much more fun today that I had met so many and enjoyed time together yesterday for Innovators!  Need I mention rootstech hit # 4 in twitter trending social media hits this morning! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153587180465186&set=gm.492437954269528&type=3&theater a few better pics from the past 48 or so hours of fun:

My First Interview - yes Dear Myrt has me on You tube for your viewing pleasure and I hope you are at least curious to see and hear my first take with her that seemed to go really well.  She of course asked about Genedocs and a 1 minute challenge that Steve Rockwood/Familysearch CEO put us up to in the first keynote today.  her is the interview link:  Myrt Interviews Eric Jelle - Genedocs  

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