Highlighted Main Ancestral Lines

Highlighted Main Ancestral Lines
How many Ancestors Can you Find?

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Friday at Rootstech - another Remarkable Day

#rootstech  After breakfast with Randy and Linda Seaver discussing his Geneamusings blog and the merits of various genea-software programs with a few newer attendees, we headed straight for the expo hall.  Story Corps kenote was inspiring with several recorded audio clips that drew on deeper reflections of the small but very meaningfully deep shared in booths dedicated to preserve these tales in the Library of Congress without any cost to the recorder at all!

The world inspiring couple from Love Taza brought usefull insights as well.

After keynotes, the expo hall was all abuzz with activity

Final Session was by Sponsor Vendor Forever - body aching some - heart a tad too

It can be a challenge to fit all of this in one day, but trying has never been so much fun either ;-)

It's pretty late and tomorrow won't go well with no sleep so I hope you have enjoyed this or become impatient enough to join our Genedocs Templates Facebook Group to enjoy more real time updates from me.  Thanks for your patience either way!

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