As Ambassadors to next February's annual conference, we are provided many nice perks for being social media springboards to our many followers - perhaps a few dozen or hundred on our genealogy related blogs and hundreds or even thousands more on our own relevant social media administered groups .
Need I mention our Genedocs Templates Group on Facebook is about 16 members away from our 5,000 member goal?
Yes - that is where I will be selecting my 3-Day Pass recipient in the next month. One of these can be worth up several hundred dollars with hundreds of top notch classes available to attend not to mention the always worthwhile keynotes and non-stop extravaganza of genea-activity you can enjoy and learn from in the expo hall.
If you know me at all and how I roll with offers, it is all about offering maximum quality and often a FREE cost level so do stay tuned on facebook in the next month or so if you are interested in winning a Free Pass. Also if you have already paid for one and win, there are instructions on being credited back your original purchase if you are selected as a winner of an Ambassador provided pass to Rootstech.
What have I been up to? Here is a peek of some of my many recent projects: