Highlighted Main Ancestral Lines

Highlighted Main Ancestral Lines
How many Ancestors Can you Find?

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Facebook has been very fruitful with Genedocs templates group membership (now over 3,400) so I have been lacking in my posts here and am grateful we have more than 30 followers - Yay! and thank you to those who have chosen to follow here.

What is in the works for Genedocs?

1.  I am working on a Naturalization article for a Swedish great grandfather in NARA's Prologue magazine.  If it is accepted in its 2000 - 3200 word limit and abundance of photos and relevant document images, then I will be sharing here and in Facebook at least.

2.  I am seriously working on financing a 2016 Rootstech trip to Salt Lake.  It will be more impactful by far than the 2013 sputtering as a newbie who maybe met a couple dozen folks in the 7000 attendees.  Yes if I can make it happen, then there will be some level of presentation and it will be my first conference presentation - yikes!  Not really too bad as I presented for work to small groups, in the military for larger class setting, and of course at our Norwegian reunion for nearly 60 folks in Sioux falls back in 2002, but I am a little rusty and will need to get my timing and nonverbal controls down to a smooth working presentation - um - LOL!

3.  Once I am there, I think everyone is going to love my T-shirt ideas and yes I will get some Geneablogger beads if I have to tackle Thomas MacEntee and Dear Myrt both in one fell swoop of a hug.

NEW:  A Canadian census version of the Census Summary added to our group's File area.