Highlighted Main Ancestral Lines

Highlighted Main Ancestral Lines
How many Ancestors Can you Find?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

My Rootstech Sessions

With about 5 weeks left until Rootstech 2013, I figured now is as good a time to announce the sessions I look forward to attending and why:

THU March 21_________________________________________________________
( Hey! -February and March this year are nearly identical except for the last 3 days!)

11AM - Noon: Future of Genealogy by Thomas MacEntee
                        To finally meet the blogmaster and hear this genealogy ninja present live

145 - 245PM:  Create Your Own Online Research Class by Anne Metcalf
                        This sounds very useful and may be very effective for a future presentation venue

300 - 400PM:  Finding Needles in haystacks! Powerful Search Features in Family Search
                        Search Engine by Phil Dunn
                         I am a die hard familysearch user, but with all the changes this never hurts to know more!

415 - 515PM:  TBA Open Block...Hmm!

Passing on the museum for the evening to strategize for FRIDAY!

FRI March 22___________________________________________________________

945 - 1045AM:  Where is Lost Relative - Finding Living Family Members by Lorinda Mann
                           Now who doesn't want to find more brick wall crushing cousins?!

11AM - Noon:  Screen Capture by Lisa B Lee
                          I do this all the time and can't wait to finally meet Lisa the master.
11AM - Noon:  Plan B if Lisa's Session is packed - Family Search Family Tree by Ron Tanner'
                         This is an exciting sounding new feature from the TXGen Conference in Nov 2012
                          so it would be great to learn more!

145 - 245PM:  Genographic Project 2.0 by Cece Moore
                        Spencer Wells orignial work and TV production on how all humans are related took my
                        breath away for obvious reasons so keeping up with his work will be phenomenal!

300 - 400PM:  Using Excel to Create Timelines by Robert Raymond
                        Why wouldn't and Excel Guru want to learn and share more from this powerhouse


SAT March 23___________________________________________________________

945 - 1045: Digital Photo Metadata by Randy Whited
                   Randy is great so this should be excellent again

11AM - NOON:  Possibly Mastering Google  by Lisa Louise Cooke
11AM - NOON:  The late breaking content session they said I couldn't snag ;-)

145 - 245PM:  Open Source Tools by Joshua Taylor
                        Josh is at the top of his game moving upward
145 - 245PM:  Ten Habits of Successful Genealogists by Barry Ewell
                        Couldn't we all benefi from this kind of sharing?

300 - 400PM:  Digital Storytelling - More than Bullet Points By Denise Barrett Olson
                        This sounds like a great wrap up before the trip to the airport.

Subject to Change at any time of course ;-)  Hoping to see you there!